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Account settings


From settings page in the mTimeCard web portal you can change general settings for your account and how it will react with the clock in and clock out of the employees.

You have the following settings that you may change or edir:

  • Personell details - we have two fields with information of:
    • Administrator name - text field where you can enter what you want
    • Administrator phone number - text field where you can enter you phone number
    • Save settings button - click the button to save the settings
  • Change password - we have three fields:
    • Your current password - here enter your current password which you want to change
    • Your new password - enter the new password here
    • Your new password again - enter the new password here again
    • Chnage password button - click the button to change your current password
  • Company details - here we have short information of your company and setting of how the system will react wiht clock in and clock out of the employees:
    • Company name - text field to enter your company's name
    • Default time zon - choose your default timezon according where your employees will work and make clock in and clock out. Choose carefully to be sure the clock in/out hours will not be whrong later.
    • Allow employees to clock in and clock out from anywhere - Employees will be able to clock in/out from anywhere, even or without a predefined venue. If there is a nearby venue, the system will automatically record it as the clock in/out location.
    • Allow employees to clock in and clock out only in certain venues - Employees will be able to clock in/out only in the venues you have created in your account, based on their location. Employees cannot clock in/out without a nearby venue.
    • Allow employees to choose clock in/out venue - Each time an employee clocks in/out, he has to choose one of the venues specified in your account. Employees can choose any venue from the account, regardless of their current location.
    • Save settings button - click the button every time you want to save your new settings and changes.
  • Deactivate your account - by clicking this button you will deactivate your account. It cannot be used again and all the history of your clock in and clock out will be lost. Also the recurring payment from PayPal will stop. In addition you will no more receive any messages and emails from mTimeCard.
    • Deactivate - click the button to deactivate your account.
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Article details
Article ID: 59
Category: Settings
Date added: 2013-07-31 17:12:56
Views: 1034
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (17)

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