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Use mTimeCard Web Clockin



Once you have logged in mTimeCard Web Clockin you will see the main page:

Here we have navigation menu on the top of the page with three links:

  • Clockin – this opens the home page of Web clockin;
  • Settings – opens the settings for your account;
  • Logout – logout from mTimeCard Web Clockin.

Clock in and Clock out

When you login you will see the Clockin page. From the clockin page you can make clock in and clock out. You will see a clockin form similar to this:

Depending on the available options that the manager has setup you can make clock in and clock out in venues, shifts, outside a shift or other. The action for all is the same – just click the green button to clock in. In the green button you can see text with the name of the venue or the work shift. When you click the button, the clock in is made.

To make clock out it is the similar – click again the desired button. Now it will be in red color that states you are making a clock out.

This is all foe making clock ins and clock outs.

You can also clock out without a venue. In this case use the button at the end of the form. This will make clock in or out without using venue. Also if you want you can type some kind description in the field above.  For example you can the address where you are now making the clock in/out.


At the settings page in mTimeCard Web Clockin you can change your password or email address. To do that, click on the Settings link in the navigation menu. You will see a form with the following fields:

Change Password

  • Old password – type the old password here;
  • New password – type the new password here;
  • Confirm password – confirm the new password here.

Afer entering the desired password click the Change button to change your current password.

Change email

If you want to change your email, just enter the new email address in the field and click the Change button. This will change you r current email.

These are all the action that can be performed in mTImeCard Web Clockin.

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Article details
Article ID: 52
Category: Web Clockin for mTimeCard
Date added: 2013-02-12 17:00:15
Views: 475
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (12)

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