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Edit shifts


To edit new shifts in mTimeCard you have to log in to the web portal with your username and password in your mTimeCard profile. Once logged in, open the TimeCard menu.


To edit a shift you want, point and hold the cursor over the particular shift in the calendar and a pop up window will appear.


In the pop up click the pencil button and you will see details for the shift. Modify anything you want:


  1. Venue name – choose venue name from drop down list. You may pick up a venue if you have entered more than one. The shift will be saved only for the venue you choose from here.
  2. Employee name – choose employee from the drop down list of all your employee you have added. The shift will be saved for the employee you choose.
  3. Request acknowledgement – choose the option to send reminder to the employee, or leave blank if you do not want acknowledgement.
  4. Start hour – type here the start hour of the shift.
  5. Start min – type here minutes of the start hour.
  6. End hour – here type the end hour of the shift.
  7. End min – here type the minutes of the end hour.
  8. Days of week – from the fields below choose the days for which the shift will apply.


Click the Save button to save the changes, or the Cancel button to discard the changes.


To delete a shift hold again the cursor over the shift you want to delete in the calendar and in the pop up window click the red circle icon. By this you will delete the shift only for the day you have chosen. To delete completely one shift from the system you have to delete the shift in the calendar for all days in one week. By deleting the shift for all days in one week, the entire shift will be deleted.


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Article details
Article ID: 40
Category: How to
Date added: 2012-04-11 18:56:58
Views: 341
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (12)

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