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Reports in mTimeCard


mTimeCard comes with detailed reports about all shifts, venues and employees in your profile. Everything is saved in the system automatically and you can review all reports at any time you want. You need just to log in and go to the reports menu by clicking the Reports link on the main navigation.


mTimeCard will open the Reports page. If you have not yet any usage and shifts the page will be empty and the buttons will be unusable. This is because there is no information to show.


When you have setup your shifts and the employees start to send clock ins and clock outs the reports will show this information. Here you can review all clocck ins and clock outs for all your active venues and employees. You can filter by date, employee and venue.


On the reports page you can use these buttons:


  • Prev – click this button to move to the previous page in the list of reports.
  • Next – click this button to go forward in the list of the reports.
  • Export to Excel – click this button to export the current (according your particular filter) reports list into Excel file. You can later view the file for example with Excel.


In the list if you click the name of the venue or the employee, then you will open the page with detailed information of them. Also for every venue there is a link named (view on map). When you click it, you can see the position of the venue on the map.


In the list of reports we have the following columns:


  • Date – date of the event. When the clock in or the clock out happened.
  • Time – the time of the event.
  • Employee – name of the employee. If you click the name of the employee, then you will open the page with detailed information about the employee.
  • Venue – name of the venue. If you click the name of the venue, then you will open the page with detailed information about the venue.
  • Start/End work – here you see the type of the event – checkin or checkout.


These are all the actions about the reports in mTimeCard.


Also you can open the reports page from the other menus in mTimeCard:


·     mTimeCard menu – when you open the mTimeCard menu you will see your shifts in the calendar. When you hold on the mouse cursor on one shift and a pop up window will appear. There, click the Venue name or Employee name link and the reports page will load with information only for this venue or employee.



·     Venue menu – when you open the venue page, you will see in the list off all your venues that under the name of every venue there is a link - View reports. Click the link and the reports page will load with information of statistics for this venue.



·     Employee menu - when you open the employees page, you will see in the list off all your employee that under the name of every employee there is a link - View reports. Click the link and the reports page will load with information of statistics for this employee.



These are the other ways to access the reports page with ready “filter” for specific venue or employee.

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Article details
Article ID: 31
Category: Reports
Date added: 2012-04-11 15:07:02
Views: 733
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.8/5.0 (13)

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