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Setup a shift


To setup new shift in mTimeCard you have to log in to the web portal with your username and password in your mTimeCard profile.


Once logged in, the system will always open the TimeCard menu. Or you can just click on the first link in the navigation menu:


The TimeCard page will load. There are two ways of adding new shift, according to that if you open the system for the first time, or you have already created venues and employees.


Open for the first time. If you open for the first time and do not have yet venues and employees, then you will see a wizard of four steps. In this section of the help we will describe the steps where you can setup a shift. The other steps are described in the corresponding sections in the mTimeCard help. The steps are:


  • Step 1 – from here you can Add your Venue. Please open the Venues section in this help to read how to complete this step.
  • Step 2 – Join Employees. Please read the Employees section in the help.
  • Step 3 – Manage work shifts. This is the step where you can setup your first shift and here you can read detailed description.


After completing the first two steps of the wizard, you will see the third one – Manage work shift. To add your first shift, you have to give information to these fields on the screen:


  • Venue name – choose venue name from drop down list. You may pick up a venue if you have entered more than one. The shift will be saved only for the venue you choose from here.
  • Employee name – choose employee from the drop down list of all your employees you have added. The shift will be saved for the employee you choose.
  • Request acknowledgement – choose the option to want reminder for the employee, or leave blank, if you do not want acknowledgement.
  • Start hour – type here the start hour of the shift.
  • Start min – type here minutes of the start hour.
  • End hour – here type the end hour of the shift.
  • End min – here type the minutes of the end hour.
  • Days of week – from the fields below choose the days for which the shift will apply.


To save the new shift click the button Next, or click the button Add another work shift. If you click the Next button, mTimeCard will load the final step where you can finish the wizard.


If you click the Add another work shift, you have to complete the above procedure to add the new/next shift.


Also you will see a text and link like this one: Already added: Bakery shop -> John Smith. The name of the venue and the employee are example here.


From this link you can also edit the shift that you have already added to your profile. The links are as many as the shifts you have. When you click on the link the information of the shift you clicked will be loaded in the fields, from where you can edit the information.


Also, if you want, you can delete one of the already added shifts, click the recycle bin icon to the link.


These are all the steps and procedures to setup new shift for the first time.


Setup shift for the second time. The other case, where you can setup shift is, when you already have venues and employees. In this case log in the system and open the TimeCard page.


According to that if you have previously added shifts or not, the calendar will show them, or will be empty. Nevertheless the way to add new shift is the same. Just click the Setup a Shift button above the calendar on the right and you will see the page for entering shift.


You have the following information to add:


  • Venue name – choose venue name from drop down list. You may pick up a venue if you have entered more than one. The shift will be saved only for the venue you choose from here.
  • Employee name – choose employee from the drop down list of all your employees you have added. The shift will be saved for the employee you choose.
  • Request acknowledgement – choose the option to reminder to the employee, or leave blank, if you do not want acknowledgement.
  • Start hour – type here the start hour of the shift.
  • Start min – type here minutes of the start hour.
  • End hour – here type the end hour of the shift.
  • End min – here type the minutes of the end hour.
  • Days of week – from the fields below choose the days for which the shift will apply.


After you have entered the information, click the Save button to save the new shift, or click the Cancel button to cancel the action.


This is all for entering new shifts.

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Article details
Article ID: 15
Category: TimeCard
Date added: 2012-04-06 18:54:23
Views: 6635
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (20)

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